KYT Americas Spirit of Speed Initiative

KYT Americas Spirit of Speed Initiative

KYT Americas is proud to announce an exciting initiative for ALL United States, Canadian Superbike Championship, and Racing Bike Mexico Racers.  Any Road Racer racing with a recognized racing organization (Legion of Speed, CRA, WERA, CRA, ASRA, MRA, CVMA, PanamSBK, ETC.) are eligible to win a special edition Campeone TT-REVO helmet, an additional TT-REVO, and a special edition KYT Spirit of Speed Campeone hat.

All a racer has to do is apply using the form here. This initiative is to showcase grassroots racing. Win a championship in any class, this includes amateur classes, and be recognized for your Spirit of Speed. Winners will be showcased at as Spirit of Speed winners with a photo and what class and organization they achieved victory at. Submissions close on February 28th, 2025.

We decided to do this, because KYT Americas staff started club racing as amateurs like every other racer with dedication for the sport. All racers, from amateur to seasoned professional share the same love and passion for two wheels. We want to share and celebrate this passion with our fellow racers.


Campeone graphic helmet is for DISPLAY ONLY.

Each entrant is eligible to win once, winning multiple championships does not increase the amount of winnings received.

Must wear a KYT helmet during all races.

Must make at least 1 social media post (instagram, facebook, tiktok) within 7 days of each race round. Post must have a photo of racer and helmet with logo visible and you must tag KYT Americas in post. By entering this initiative you give KYT Americas the rights to post images for promotional purposes.

Results of races and class championships must be accessible to the public ex.Organizations website with official results.

You will receive an email confirming whether you are eligible or not. There will be a special helmet replacement program for those accepted to the Spirit of Speed initiative in the event of a crash.

All details subject to change

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